Monday, June 25, 2007

More Christopher Emley tactics

While my wife and I were getting along better and the process of healing had begun- going to dinner, visiting each others homes, etc, Christopher Emley advised her to stop being nice to me, to alter reality for the sake of legal appearances, damaging the family environment of my child in the process. That's the kind of person Christopher Emley is. Sadly, my wife followed that advice.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

No surprise

I was just informed that the motion filed by Cristopher Emley is twofold. It seeks to lessen my time with my child AND to pay him 35k (The current custody leaves me 12 hours a week shy of 50-50).

Just as I had guessed in the last post. Gee, that wouldn't be "leverage" to get paid, would it? By that I mean leverage in a bid to show his "services" were of some use.

When this began 6 months ago, I offered 50-50 custody and said "yes" with no negotiation to the first number they put on the table for support. If they had agreed, we could have saved a total of more than 70k in legal fees and 6 months of nonsense. I would imagine that he needs to demonstrate that all of this was worthwhile, because up until now this gained his client only 12 hours a week above the original offer of 50-50. Money was never argued over, just custody. So he has clearly delivered very, very little for all the time, money and aggravation. And the punch line is, he wants me to pay for my legal fees and my wife's- yup 70k to end up essentially where I was willing to agree to, and all these expenses would have beeen avoided. THEY NEVER MADE A COUNTER OFFER.

I think he has delivered virtually nothing for his client up to this point. I think this latest move is about him "winning". I think it is a Hail Mary with 3 seconds left in the game. And I think it is deplorable.

Unbelievable? Unfortunately, no. Par, sadly.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Abuse of mediation?

In an interestingly timed move, I just got a letter saying that another custodial mediation has been scheduled. The interesting part is that my wife and I had agreed on custody and money, the only dispute has been whether I should have to pay for Christopher Emley's "services". I have made many offers to settle this divorce in the last six months, but have never even gotten a response - OF ANY KIND.

And interesting because it comes on the heels of my telling Christopher Emley that I am filing a grivance with the state bar, do not intend to pay him, published this blog and defied his meritless, threatening letter. All of this occured in the last week.

Would Christopher Emley do something like this as a retaliatory move? Would he sink that low? Or would this be a step up for him? My guess would be that this is classic Christopher Emley. And I'll bet that mediation will be used as a venue to spin the truth about his behavior, and to try and make me look bad, both for objecting to his tactics and objecting to paying for his tactics.

If he tries to use my child as a shield, the legal gloves are off.

Anyone with a similar Emley experience, let us know. And thanks for all the support and emails thus far.

The only silver lining is that this will make the file I submit seeking sanctions against him for "unnecessary hoo-ha", just a little thicker... that and it may give me a legal opening to get his emails on the record.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Chistopher Emley San Francisco Attorney

I was recently divorced and Christopher Emley was my wife's attorney. Everything turned out well, but only because I got lucky and stumbled upon a treasure trove of email between my wife and Christopher Emley. I'm now doing some research to see if others that have had Christopher Emley as an opposing attorney found themselves in a similar tight spot.

Some of the tactics included claims of "verbal recommendations" by an official agency that the agency denies ever having made and taking a child to a therapist w/o both parents consent, especailly if that therapist is Judith Tiktinsky.

These tactics put me in a big hole legally, and devastated my friends and family. Had I not found the emails, my goose could have been cooked and I could not have cleared my reputation with friends and family.

But most importantly, custody of my child could have been negatively affected. I got luckier than a lottery winner when I found those emails.

In an effort to help anyone that was perhaps not as lucky as I was, please contact me and let's compare notes.

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Letter from Christopher Emley (click on it to engorge)

Here is the letter from Christopher Emley, which I am not going to comply with in any way, shape or form. The "interception" Emley falsely accuses me of came in the form of finding his emails on a computer my wife gave me as part of the settlement. It was like finding letters between Emley and my wife in a desk I might have gotten in the settlement. The correct football analogy would be "handoff". My wife drove the computer to my place and handed it to me.

So follow through with your empty threat and charge me, Chris. Unless, of course, your accusations are w/o merit- but then how would you expalin the letter below??? More "Unnecessary hooha"? Yup.

In the letter, Christopher does demonstrate concern that the emails may be used as evidence, presumably in a complaint by me to the state bar. It's hard to know, other than he is concerned they may be used in litigation of some kind. I hadn't mentioned any other kind to him, so who knows.

I emailed my wife, told her I found the emails and offered to delete them, in writing. I was then accused of getting the emails in some untoward manner, so I told them I would have to save them incase they made me prove I had acquired them innocently. This letter makes it clear that I will have to and had I deleted them I would have been in BIG trouble. In the letter, he insists that I now delete them, but if I do, how can I defend myself against his accusations?

In my mind, it is just one false assertion after another.

I had no intention of publishing the email communications in question. And his claim that I threatened to publish them is complete nonsense.

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether or not I have any duty of confidentiality to him in a case like this? If his emails contain evidence of wrongdoing, is there a legal way to use them?