Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Spurious George, AKA Christopher Emley

Yes, "Spurious George" is our affectionate nickname for Emley, but it is war zone humor born from horror. Words of dark wisdom from Chris Emley: http://www.post-gazette.com/custody/partthree.asp:

And in a report filed in the Grieco case, Gardner noted that "PAS mothers have a way of finding therapists, almost invariably women, who reflexively join them in their campaign of denigration of the father ... (and) in some cases even join the mother's paranoid delusional system."

Although the mothers in these situations may have a variety of motivations for programming their children against their fathers, the most common one relates to the old saying: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,"' says Gardner in a 1987 book, "The Parental Alienation Syndrome and The Differentiation Between Fabricated and Genuine Sex Abuse."

"I think Gardner's science is spurious; nonetheless, it is useful," said Christopher Emley, a San Francisco lawyer and president of the California Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.

"I don't think there's a whole lot of harm in defense attorneys saying (the mother) is a parent alienator and she fits the items on the (Gardner) profile (of symptoms)."

Yup, in Christopher Emley's own words, he doesn't see "a whole lot of harm" using this spurious argument.

The article in which he makes this statement is about this spurious tactic resulting in the suicide of a child. Cheeky monkey.

For those of you playing along at home, "spurious" means: not genuine, not authentic, not true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit, false.

And most appropriately,"spurious" is Latin for "Bastard". A perfect, if ironic, choice of words by Emley.

Even more disturbing, he says he finds this spurious argument "useful". Scary stuff.

The real horror is that this type of strategy negatively effects children, as their family life is being altered by false claims, claims he admits he knows are "spurious" or false. Frankly, I think Mr. Emley should be locked up for this.

If these statements from Christopher Emley's own mouth are not enough for disbarment, hopefully his work on my case will be.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Christopher Emley

One of the problems you face with Christopher Emley as your spouse's attorney, is that I believe Christopher Emley has lower ethical standards than most other lawyers. This means it will be difficult to "fight fire with fire", as most lawyers wont participate in this bottom dwelling realm.

He encouraged my wife to present a false reality to the court (see previous post below). I don't think he has any problem waging a campaign of unsubstantiated character assassination or allowing his client to present what he should know is false testimony --e.g. in my case my wife reported to the court in writing that she believed I was somehow hacking into her State of California email files after she had changed her password several times - pure science fantasy stuff.

Expect a motion from him containing a lot of negative innuendo that can’t actually be tied to you.

Classic Emley motions contain unverified claims of strange behavior of a child immediately after that child goes from visiting you to being in the company of the other parent (his client). Nightmares(my case), “strange looks”, mood swings, changes in eating, pooping, tantrums, stuttering(my case-- my daughter has the same speech impediment as her 21 year old sister and has been in speech threapy for a year, the sleazy innuendo of trying to make her stutter connected to a recent visit with me was somehow not an ethical problem for this past president of the California Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts) – it’s a real poo-poo platter of delights.

I would advise you to notify your spouse in writing that you will be recording all phone calls with them. Christopher Emley has handled both of my wife's divorces and in each case claims of negative phone conversations were presented to the court. This is easily avoided by recording all conversations.

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